BNB Chain 璺ㄩ姍Л 7.18 緹錛騫e BSC ㄩ
瀵璨ㄥ梗浜ゆ騫e肩 BNB Chain 7 ユㄩ抽Л錛瀹硅法姍錛BSC Token Hub錛琚Л瀹㈢璧板ぇ澶遍欏楂稿緹 BscScan錛瑭查宸叉哄錛寰哄 6 榛錛
騫e佃睛浜 CZ 涔綬ュ洪㈠擠瑾跨ㄦ惰瀹繪鞝扮姝eㄨワ
灝璺ㄩ姍 BSC Token Hub ╃ㄥ撮澶 BNB錛宸茶奼椹璀 BSCㄥсㄧ璩ㄧ灝奸涓渚匡娣辮〃姝涓渚蹭姝ユ存般
An exploit on a cross-chain bridge, BSC Token Hub, resulted in extra BNB. We have asked all validators to temporarily suspend BSC. The issue is contained now. Your funds are safe. We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide further updates accordingly.
CZ Binance (@cz_binance)
繪欏瓚 7 錛
辨間浠跺肩涓涔錛綹芥澶遍欏⒑瀹紺劇兢浜哄+錛繪浼肩 200 BNB錛圭 5.7 緹錛ETH 絳鞝 8 璩杞縐誨板朵稿璩甯浼版楂澶卞 7.18 緹
Researchers have detected an unusual transaction of $718M $ on the BSC network, the meaning of this is not clear at the moment, but many are already talking about a possible hack し鋦
CIA Officer (@officer_cia)
So in summary as of now:
* 2mm ($550mm) withdrawn from Bridge
* * half of that used to mint misc. stables
* * Small amount swapped for stables directly
* stables bridged everywhere
* ~$50mm buy on mainnet
* ~$20mm borrowed: TraderJoe + Geist
* $10mm frozenGREEN JEFF (The Bread #9) (@jeffthedunker)
DeBank 告錛妯璦錛 5.4 緹璩
涓梗瀹佃睛浜 CZ 錛琛ㄧず繪綹芥澶遍欏鞝 1 緹錛告緄稿樊宸ㄥぇ錛灝寰娓
The current impact estimate is around $100m USD equvilent, about a quarter of the last BNB burn.
CZ Binance (@cz_binance)
BNB 縐璺 5%
BNB 規兼歸繪娑錛BNB 2 灝у揩涓璺榪 5%錛浣宸叉錛 286.3 緹
錛 嬈杞杓錛棣渚婧錛錛
最臺迷因檳榔幣 $BLANG 登陸 免費空投:向《財哥專業檳榔攤》致敬
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