"Venting Gala" is Approaching!

2023-12-19 16:12:06


      Mytoken's First "Venting Gala" is here! Vent your thoughts, give suggestions, and claim 5 million candies.

  Dear MyToken Users,

  In order to enhance the quality of MyToken's services, the first-ever "Venting Gala" is approaching. This event provides a valuable opportunity for our users to express their comprehensive opinions on the platform and suggest improvements and innovations.

  Event Time: From 10:00 AM on December 20th (UTC+8) to 12:00 AM on December 27th (UTC+8).

  Event Rules: During the event, users can participate by clicking the form link and completing the form according to the provided list. We will select 600 outstanding users from the forms to receive rewards.

  Reward Criteria:

  "Venting Rewards": 500 winners, each receiving a reward of 8,000 candies.

  "Suggestion Rewards": 100 winners, each receiving a reward of 10,000 candies.

  For identical issues or suggestions, winners will be determined based on submission time, first come, first served.

  The list of winners will be compiled and announced within one week after the event concludes on December 27th. Please pay attention to platform announcements.

  Each user can receive "Venting Rewards" and "Suggestion Rewards" once each.

  The candy rewards will be based on the actual receipts by users.

  Winning Criteria:

  "Venting Rewards": Any aspect of your platform or app usage that has caused dissatisfaction or affected your experience, once verified, will be considered eligible.

  "Suggestion Rewards": Suggestions regarding platform usage or comparisons with other platforms, which, upon confirmation by relevant departments, will be considered eligible.

  Tips: The inclusion of image examples in your feedback or suggestions will increase the likelihood of winning.

  Event Participation Link: https://hk.mikecrm.com/DLHVagN

  MyToken has consistently dedicated itself to providing excellent services and superior experiences for users. Your feedback and suggestions are crucial to our continuous improvement. We believe that through this "Venting Gala," we can gain a deeper understanding of your needs and further enhance and optimize our platform.

  If you still have more to vent, join our official community to "vent" together with more people: https://t.me/mytoken_en

  Thank you for your support of MyToken!

  December 19. 2023

  Mytoken Team:https://www.mytokencap.com/

  Mytoken Official Telegram:https://t.me/mytoken_en

  Scan to download the Mytoken App:




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