Daily Price Predictions Campaign: Share in 5 Million MT Rewards and 100,000 USDT!
2024-11-12 16:11:34
Dear MyToken Users,
As MyToken has long been one of the most influential market applications and big data analysis platforms in the blockchain industry, we have consistently provided users with the latest and cutting-edge blockchain news and information. To thank our users for their ongoing support, MyToken is launching a Bitcoin Price Guessing Challenge. By participating in the price prediction and daily check-ins, you can earn generous rewards.
Event Duration: From 00:00:00 (UTC+8) on November 12, 2024, to 00:00:00 (UTC+8) on November 19, 2024.
Event Rules:
Rule 1: MyToken registered users can participate in daily check-ins to guess the Bitcoin price. During the event, there will be limited-time upgrade benefits. Users who check in daily will receive at least 100 MT as a reward. By checking in for 7 consecutive days, users can unlock up to 4000 MT in rewards.
Rule 2: Predict Bitcoin Price: Users who receive MT airdrops during the event can invest a minimum of 10 MT to predict the price change of Bitcoin at 8:00 AM the following day compared to the 8:00 AM price of the current day. The predictions cannot be changed after submission, and MT invested is non-refundable. Users who correctly predict the price direction for 6 consecutive days will be eligible to share the MT and USDT prize pools.
Reward Rules:
All MyToken users can participate in this event to share in the MT rewards and Bitcoin price prediction prizes.

Price Prediction Results: Predictions will be revealed at 8:15 AM the next day. Based on Rule 2, the prediction results will determine whether the user’s guess is correct. Users who made correct predictions will share in the total MT from all predictions made the previous day, in proportion to their MT investment.
Users who make 6 consecutive correct predictions will share an additional USDT prize pool.

Thank you for your continued support of MyToken!
November 12, 2024 MyToken
Website: https://www.mytokencap.com
MyToken Official Telegram Group: https://t.me/mytokengroup
Scan the QR code below to download the latest version of the MyToken App.

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