CoWoS | The exchange rate of yen fluctuates sharply

2022-09-14 11:09:00

CoWoS | The exchange rate of yen fluctuates sharply

At the press conference on the morning of the 14th, an official house manager of Matsui Yebo said that in the context of recent speculation in the foreign exchange market, there has been a rapid and unilateral trend, "worried about excessive changes". On this basis, if this trend continues, "we will not rule out all measures and take necessary countermeasures in the foreign exchange market".

Governor Matsuno stressed that for a long time, it is very important for the exchange rate to flow stably along the fundamentals, and rapid change is not desirable. He said that as a government, it will pay close attention to market trends.

The consumer price index (CPI) USD/JPY released by the US Ministry of Labor on August 13 was once close to 145 JPY, exceeding the market forecast. On August 14, the foreign exchange market witnessed an appreciation of USD.

On the morning of the 14th, Japanese financial officer Shinzo Kanda told reporters that the current exchange rate trend was fierce and worrying, and said that he would monitor it closely and take appropriate measures without excluding all options.

The US dollar was pushed back slightly due to the containment speech of the financial officer of Kanda. However, under the background of US interest rate increase observation, the pressure of US dollar appreciation/yen depreciation is still easy to exert.

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