Polkadot's JAM 波卡的 JAM(雙語)

2024-06-09 16:06:23

Polkadot Virtual Machine (PVM)波卡虛擬機(PVM)

The PVM is based on the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), valued for its simplicity and flexibility. RISC-V offers several benefits:PVM 基於 RISC-V 指令集架構 (ISA),因其簡單性和靈活性而受到重視。 RISC-V 具有多項優勢:

  • Easily transpiled into common hardware formats such as x86, x64, and ARM.輕松轉換為常見硬件格式,例如 x86、x64 和 ARM。

  • Strong support from tools like LLVM.來自 LLVM 等工具的強大支持。

The PVM emphasizes simplicity and security, being sandboxable and providing various execution guarantees. It is deterministic, consensus-sensitive, and friendly to metering, avoiding the complexity found in other VMs.PVM強調簡單性和安全性,可沙箱化並提供各種執行保證。它具有確定性、共識敏感且易於計量,避免了其他虛擬機中的復雜性。Advantages over WASM: 相對於 WASM 的優點:

  • WASM, while optimized for web use, struggles with stack management and continuations.WASM 雖然針對 Web 使用進行了優化,但在堆棧管理和延續方面遇到了困難。

  • RISC-V places the stack in memory, handling continuations naturally without extra complexity.RISC-V 將堆棧放置在內存中,自然地處理連續性,無需額外的復雜性。

  • PVM achieves excellent execution speeds on conventional hardware (x64 and ARM), offering advantages like free metering compared to WASM.PVM 在傳統硬件(x64 和 ARM)上實現了出色的執行速度,與 WASM 相比具有免費計量等優勢。

RISC-V-enabled Continuations:支持 RISC-V 的延續:

  • Facilitates scalable coding on multi-core platforms like JAM.促進 JAM 等多核平臺上的可擴展編碼。

  • Asynchronous, parallelized architectures are crucial for scalability in hardware, software, blockchain, and consensus algorithms.異步並行架構對於硬件、軟件、區塊鏈和共識算法的可擴展性至關重要。


SAFROLE is a simplified block production algorithm derived from SASSAFRAS. It:SAFROLE 是源自 SASSAFRAS 的簡化區塊生產算法。它:

  • Is minimally opinionated to maximize potential future use cases.盡量減少固執己見,以最大化未來的潛在用例。

  • Aims to follow the Ethereum yellow paper model for wide implementation and expertise dissemination.旨在遵循以太坊黃皮書模型進行廣泛實施和專業知識傳播。

SAFROLE Features: 黃樟素特點:

  • SNARK-based, offering constant-time block production and near fork-free operation.基於 SNARK,提供恆定時間區塊生產和近乎無分叉的操作。

  • Anonymity ensures the security of block production, preventing spam.匿名性保證了區塊生產的安全性,防止垃圾郵件。

Networking 聯網

JAM uses the QUIC protocol, enabling direct connections between validators. This avoids gossip protocols as JAM doesn't handle transactions. Grid-diffusal is used for broader distribution, arranging validators in a grid for efficient package delivery.JAM 使用 QUIC 協議,實現驗證器之間的直接連接。這避免了闲聊協議,因為 JAM 不處理事務。網格擴散用於更廣泛的分發,將驗證器排列在網格中以實現高效的包交付。

Efficient Block Processing高效的塊處理

JAM adopts a unique approach by placing the prior state root in the block header, allowing:JAM 採用獨特的方法,將先前的狀態根放置在塊頭中,從而允許:

  • Lightweight computations (5% of the block's workload) to be executed immediately.立即執行輕量級計算(塊工作負載的 5%)。

  • The remaining 95% of computations to be completed afterward.其余95%的計算稍後完成。

  • More efficient use of block time, improving computation time significantly over traditional setups.更有效地利用塊時間,比傳統設置顯着縮短計算時間。

Architectural Differences: JAM vs. Relay Chain架構差異:JAM 與中繼鏈

JAM fixes more functionality elements compared to the relay chain, making upgrades challenging but optimizing performance. Key differences include:與中繼鏈相比,JAM 修復了更多功能元素,這使得升級具有挑战性,但優化了性能。主要區別包括:

  • Fixed parameters enable network topology and timing optimizations.固定參數可實現網絡拓撲和時序優化。

  • Flexibility in application-level functionalities like coretime sales, staking, and governance managed within services.應用程序級功能的靈活性,例如服務內管理的核心時間銷售、質押和治理。

  • A non-upgradable chain reduces complexity.不可升級的鏈降低了復雜性。

JAM Toaster 果醬烤面包機

A comprehensive test environment designed for large-scale trials and performance assessments of JAM, addressing challenges in understanding network dynamics at scale.專為 JAM 大規模試驗和性能評估而設計的綜合測試環境,解決大規模理解網絡動態方面的挑战。

JAM and Substrate 果醬和基材

Benchmarks vs. Metering: 基准與計量:

  • JAM's metered system can often replace frequent benchmarking.JAM 的計量系統通常可以取代頻繁的基准測試。

  • Benchmarking remains relevant for performance enhancements and tasks requiring extended execution times.基准測試仍然與性能增強和需要延長執行時間的任務相關。

Cross-Chain Message Passing (XCMP)跨鏈消息傳遞(XCMP)

JAM mandates full XCMP support for efficient data transmission between parachains, overcoming limitations of HRMP.JAM 要求全面的 XCMP 支持,以實現平行鏈之間的高效數據傳輸,從而克服 HRMP 的局限性。

Accords 協議

Accords are multi-instance smart contracts enabling direct, trustless interactions between parachains, enhancing token transfers and message integrity.Accords 是多實例智能合約,可在平行鏈之間實現直接、無需信任的交互,從而增強代幣傳輸和消息完整性。

Enhancements and Compatibility in JAMJAM 的增強和兼容性

JAM maintains compatibility with Polkadot 1 parachains while introducing significant enhancements:JAM 保持了與 Polkadot 1 平行鏈的兼容性,同時引入了重大增強功能:

  • Streamlined benchmarking.簡化的基准測試。

  • Multi-instance accords for governing parachain interactions.用於管理平行鏈交互的多實例協議。

  • Full XCMP support. 完整的 XCMP 支持。

  • Agile Coretime targeting for efficient resource allocation.敏捷的 Coretime 目標是實現高效的資源分配。



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Polkadot's JAM 波卡的 JAM(雙語)