
2024-04-26 10:04:47

WDU是由國外專業的AI 團隊結合加密貨幣的一種創新。

智慧宇宙(WISDOM UNIVERSE)是一個基於將人工智能技術與區塊鏈技術深度融合的加密貨幣項目,通過新一代的區塊鏈算法模型,是全球人工智能+區塊鏈領域的倡導者和領軍者。利用全新一代先進的人工智能技術解決現有的各種區塊鏈技術和平臺在效率、速度、安全、成本、易用性和靈活便捷性上的問題和瓶頸,構建了一個超大語言模型和具備人機交互的自我優化能力的區塊鏈網絡。通過區塊鏈激勵的形式免費發放WDU(WISDOM UNIVERSE)以建立節點網絡讓全世界全人類,在全面人工智能時代到來之際享受全球居民紅利收入,並為全球居民建立一個真正公平的數字身份(WISDOMID)和數字貨幣實體系統(WISDOMAPP),推動全球數字經濟的高速發展,讓全球用戶享受人工智能新時代新發展所帶來的巨大紅利。智慧宇宙(WISDOMUNIVERSE)將憑借基於人工智能(Al)技術重新構建基礎框架,通過大數據人機交互,硬件算力、物聯網使整個過程更快,更便捷輕松,成本更低,更安全的革新了執行智能合約的的用戶體驗。智慧宇宙(WISDOMUNI VERSE)提供突破性技術,構建高度靈活的區塊鏈網絡,支持適應性的自我完善和優化,在文本寫作、圖像繪畫、語音對話、視頻智造、智慧交易、智能編程、智慧銀行、智能物聯網、和智慧機器人等多個領域研發一系列智慧AI助手:小智(WISDOMAI),全面搶佔未來人工智能時代技術入口,其代替人工所持續輸出的高質量內容和服務,將為世界帶來巨大的商業價值,也同樣對全球居民持有的獎勵代幣WDU提供長期價值支撐。人類世界第五次技術革命即將來臨,我們相信未來是人工智能的時代,但未來絕非屬於人工智能,而是屬於掌握了人工智能的人類。

WDU is an innovation that combines cryptocurrency with professional AI teams from abroad.

WISDOM UNIVERSE is a cryptocurrency project based on the deep integration of artificial intelligence technology and blockchain technology, through a new generation of blockchain algorithm model, is a global advocate and leader in the field of artificial intelligence + blockchain. Using a new generation of advanced artificial intelligence technology to solve the existing various blockchain technology and platform in efficiency, speed, security, cost, ease of use and flexible convenience problems and bottlenecks, to build a large language model and with human-computer interaction self-optimizing blockchain network. Distribute WDU(WISDOM UNIVERSE) for free in the form of blockchain incentives to establish a network of nodes so that all people in the world can enjoy the dividend income of global residents at the advent of the era of comprehensive artificial intelligence. And establish a truly fair digital identity (WISDOMID) and digital currency entity system (WISDOMAPP) for global residents, promote the rapid development of the global digital economy, and allow global users to enjoy the huge dividends brought by the new development of the new era of artificial intelligence. WISDOMUNIVERSE will rely on artificial intelligence (Al) -based technology to rebuild the basic framework, through big data human-computer interaction, hardware computing power, the Internet of things to make the whole process faster, more convenient and easy, lower cost, more secure innovation of the user experience of the execution of smart contracts. WISDOMUNI VERSE provides breakthrough technology to build highly flexible blockchain networks that support adaptive self-improvement and optimization, In the fields of text writing, image painting, voice dialogue, video intelligent creation, intelligent trading, intelligent programming, intelligent banking, intelligent Internet of Things, and intelligent robots, a series of intelligent AI assistants are developed: WISDOMAI, which fully preoccupies the technological entrance of the future artificial intelligence era, replacing the high-quality content and services continuously output by artificial workers. Will bring great business value to the world, but also provide long-term value support for the reward token WDU held by residents around the world. The fifth technological revolution in the human world is coming, and we believe that the future is the era of artificial intelligence, but the future does not belong to artificial intelligence, but to the human beings who have mastered artificial intelligence.




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