Build a new chapter in the second universe

2024-03-18 18:03:33

On March 16, 2024, the focus of global attention will be on the new benchmark for the integrated development of financial technology and the real industry - MTMT (Web3 BRC20) metaverse technology innovation platform. Relying on MTMT, the leading inscription ecology in the BTCFi financial market with a scale of 100 billion yuan, and based on the world's first wine culture inscription based on the BRC20 standard of the Bitcoin ecosystem, the platform has joined hands with NVIDIA Global Distributor Company and Bitcoin Mining Group Company to innovatively build a new development model with cryptocurrency services as the core and cloud computing power business as the core, and fully promote the construction of the parallel world of the Bitcoin ecosystem and the improvement of the AI infrastructure of the metaverse.


Recently, MTMT has taken a milestone step in the field of the metaverse, uniting with the world's top AI intelligent computing center to build the world's first metaverse platform covering wine culture in an all-round way. On this platform, $MTMT will become the only circulation carrier, giving users the ability to fully participate in and obtain the rights and development value of the platform while enjoying the charm of wine culture.


The $MTMT metaverse leverages the power of blockchain technology and VR technology to create an immersive digital parallel world that allows users to participate in various activities and transactions with personalized digital identities. In the MTMT metaverse, all aspects of wine culture will be displayed in three dimensions, including multiple scenarios such as historical origin, geographical distribution, well-known brands, product experience, art appreciation, and social interaction. Users can not only experience the breadth and profundity of wine culture here, but also unlock more rights and benefits and actual benefits by holding and using $MTMT inscriptions.


However, MTMT did not stop at the digital reconstruction of wine culture in the real world, but further announced that it would take a bold leap forward and actively lay out the metaverse field, committed to creating a unique virtual wine culture world, realizing the deep integration of online and offline, physical and virtual, and opening up a new path for brand value enhancement and e-commerce entity empowerment, so as to activate the unlimited potential of the real economy and lead the world into a new era of the second universe.




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