
2023-11-28 04:11:08

Mainstream Coin Analysis (BTC, ETH)

Hourly Analysis

Recently, the decline in Ethereum has accelerated, with a rapid rebound in the morning. The hourly chart is approaching the upper range of the Bollinger Bands. Any rebound after the K-line falls below the MA240 moving average is just a trap for long positions. The trend has already broken, and it will continue to follow the downward path. The KDJ indicator on the hourly chart has turned downward from a high level, and the volume of the upward movement shows a decline.

Daily Analysis

Looking at the daily chart, both Bitcoin and Ethereum show a flat Bollinger Channel, indicating a lack of upward momentum in the market. Therefore, the only option is to seek support levels through pullbacks. The strategy for the day is still bearish. For Bitcoin, it is recommended to short near 37,300 with a target of 1,000-1,500 points. For Ethereum, it is suggested to short near 2,030 with a target of 1,930-1,900.


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