「Mainnet Web3+AI Party」9月20日在美國紐約成功舉辦
由 ZetaChain 主辦,Hotcoin Global 和 BLOCKIN.AI 等協辦的「Mainnet Web3+AI Party」9月20日晚在美國紐約成功舉辦,本次活動圍繞Web3和人工智能技術融合展开討論。
Pioneering the Future of Digital Art
MetaSill is at the forefront of revolutionizing the digital art landscape. Dedicated to the development and advancement of AI-generated art and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) artistry, MetaSill seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with artistic innovation. Our unique squared hardware displays are designed to captivate, while our unified software platform ensures flexibility and ease in setting up and managing pop-up galleries, making it an ideal choice for events of all scales.
What sets MetaSill apart is our interactive showcase of AI-generated art, paired with an automatic minting process on the blockchain. This groundbreaking feature has been spotlighted at major events such as NFTLA, Bitcoin Miami, and the Tribecca Film Festival, as well as a series of tech meetups and events. With MetaSill, art is not just viewed; it's experienced, interacted with, and immortalized on the blockchain.
Join us as we re DeFi ne the boundaries of art and technology, creating immersive experiences that resonate with audiences worldwide.
Pioneers in the convergence of the physical and digital realms, w3vending.xyz introduces the innovative web3 vending machine. Transcending traditional vending, this unique product supports cryptocurrency transactions, enabling purchases ranging from beverages to snacks with digital assets like Bitcoin and Apecoin. Moreover, leveraging the power of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), users can redeem exclusive gifts, discounts, and even acquire digital assets directly. w3vending.xyz seamlessly merges everyday convenience with the boundless possibilities of the web3 ecosystem.
In an era where technology is reshaping industries, AIEvent stands at the inter SEC tion of AI and event management, offering innovative solutions tailored for the digital age. Recognizing the transformative potential of AI, we began our journey with an AI-powered ticketing system, addressing key challenges in the event sphere. Today, as we converge with the Blockchain realm, AIEvent is poised to integrate decentralized, transparent, and secure Blockchain features into its platform. Our vision is clear: to revolutionize event management by combining the predictive power of AI with the trust and security of Blockchain, ensuring every event is not just organized but optimized for the future.
一個與 以太坊 虛擬機兼容的 Layer 1 區塊鏈 ,連接萬物:構建可互操作的去中心化應用程序(dApps),跨足包括 比特幣 在內的任何區塊鏈;從一個地方便捷訪問所有區塊鏈。
值得注意的是,ZetaChain 以其龐大的用戶群體脫穎而出,包括測試網上的 180 萬用戶、社區內的 150 萬用戶,以及行業內超過 100 個合作夥伴。近期其完成了 2700 萬美元股權融資。
Hotcoin Global
Hotcoin Global於2017年在澳大利亞創立,致力於為全球用戶提供24小時專業的 數字資產 交易服務。Hotcoin Global遵守KYC標准,並持有澳大利亞交易報告與分析中心(AUSTRAC)頒發的雙重牌照。Hotcoin Global的現貨和衍生品交易服務已覆蓋90多個國家,擁有400w的注冊用戶。
作為一個中心化交易所,Hotcoin Global目前在全球範圍內排名第前20,24小時交易量超過20億美元。平臺目前支持309種 加密貨幣 交易,並提供375個交易對,包括BTC/ USDT 、 ETH /USDT等最受歡迎的交易對。用戶還可以在C2C市場通過40多種法定貨幣直接購买加密貨幣,同時,平臺也支持用信用卡直接購买。
Hotcoin Global為用戶提供現貨交易、槓杆交易、USDT合約、幣本位合約、ETF、合約跟單、理財、Startup首發支持、C2C买幣等服務。此外,平臺還提供NFT交易市場服務。
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